May 13, 2009

Metaprogramming still needs programming discipline

This post will be a little bit more technical than previous posts, but I’ll try to keep it comprehensible to those who don’t already know what I’m talking about.

I want to talk about meta-programming. Meta-programming, in the most general sense, means making programs that produce programs or that change what existing programs do by altering the environment in which they operate. Writing an interpreter or a compiler for a programming language can be considered an example of meta-programming. Macros, monkey-patching and code generation are also examples. I would argue that the XML “configuration” files that haunt many Java frameworks, such as Spring, Hibernate, Struts, etc., are a form of meta-programming.

Now meta-programming is a very important idea, and I would go so far as to say that everyone who is at all serious about programming should learn about and understand meta-programming, even if only at a basic level. Meta-programming is often considered an advanced topic, and there certainly are advanced forms of it and advanced ideas that fall under its domain, but I think that anyone who is smart enough to program at all is smart enough to understand and perform basic meta-programming.

Now, since meta-programming is very important, has deep things to say about computation, and is intellectually stimulating, many people find it very exciting and even beautiful.

I will confess: I am one of those people. I have spent a non-trivial chunk of my leisure time throughout my adult life studying the semantics of programming languages, and all the supporting theories and math. And though knowing this stuff has been directly and indirectly useful in my software development career, I really did it because I enjoy it, and because I think it is beautiful and exciting.

Having said all these great things about meta-programming, whenever I see someone using meta-programming in a project, I get queasy. And that is because people often forget that just because meta-programming seems to let you go beyond the rules of “mere” programming, it still requires all the same discipline you would apply to any other kind of programming. For example, you still need to remember source code discipline and the enforcement of locality principles, such as modularity, the single-responsibility principle, encapsulation, don’t-repeat-yourself (DRY), and many others.

Take DRY for example. I have seen many programmers who would never tolerate cut-and-paste boilerplate in the source code blithely create megabytes worth of XML “configuration” files, or use a source code generator to do the same thing, even if there might be more acceptable alternatives with a bit of creativity.

Moreover, I think there are two kinds of locality that meta-programming should have that wouldn’t apply to single-level programming. First, meta-programming level code should be modularized away from the programming level code, and second, any domain-specific-languages (DSLs) or language variants created by the meta-programming should be clearly demarcated from the “normal” programming language (in their own source files if possible).

The reason for this is simple. Imagine if I started writing this post by alternating between English and some other language, say French. Some sentences or phrases in one language, some in the other. First of all, any member of the audience who is not fluent in both will probably be lost immediately. For those who are bilingual, there are many words that are spelled the same or very similarly in both languages, but may not have the same meaning, either subtly or not so subtly. So even if you are fluent in both, aside from the difficulty I’m adding by making you code switch, I may also cause you to misinterpret what I’m saying with similar or ambiguous words.

Just as the user of a programming library only wants to have to think about the interface to that library and not have to understand the gory details of how it actually works, the consumers of meta-programming “enhancements” need to be insulated from having to understand the details of how it works under the hood. This is where non-local meta-programming, such as reckless global monkey-patching, can really mess things up.

So anyone who wants to keep meta-programming beautiful should use the same judgment, taste and discipline that an experienced programmer would apply to keep any other type of programming beautiful. Otherwise, it can morph into something very, very ugly.

1 comment:

  1. I've recently started using a language that makes meta programming very easy to do, Perl, and really enjoyed this post. Some great food for thought. Personally, I think one of the main obstacles to writing "good" metaprogramming code is the lack of standards and commonly accepted principles. For programming, we have design patterns, OO principles, etc. I haven't come across many of these for metaprogramming.
